Clinical analysis of the location, nature and type of mandibular fractures in patients on admission to hospital
fracture, mandible, age, genderAbstract
Introduction. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the number of patients with fractures of the facial skeleton. The high incidence of complications in such fractures leads to prolonged periods of temporary disability, the formation of defects and deformities in the maxillofacial area, and as a result, a deterioration in the quality of life of patients and significant economic costs. Objective. To analyse the location, nature and type of mandibular fractures in patients on admission to the hospital, depending on age and gender. Materials and methods. The study was conducted using epidemiological and statistical methods. Based on the study of the medical records of the Chernivtsi Regional Clinical Hospital, in the period from 2022 to 2023, the location, nature and type of mandibular fractures of patients admitted to the hospital were analysed, depending on age and gender.of mandibular fractures in the population of the Chernivtsi region were analyzed. Results and discussions. The analysis of the frequency of mandibular fractures localisation allowed us to establish the prevalence of traumatic lesions of the mental region (43.05%) and the angle (31.79%) of the mandible in patients of both sexes on admission to the hospital. At the same time, single (52.17%) and double (47.46%) mandibular fractures prevailed in men and double (47.46%) in women. Multiple mandibular fractures were 4.3 times more common in women than in men. The most common types of mandibular fractures were transverse and oblique (31.63% and 40.92%), and the least common were comminuted (6.65%) fractures of the mandible. Conclusion. Thus, the location, nature and type of mandibular fractures did not depend on the sex of the patients, but their frequency increased with increasing age: from 23.91% at the age of 18-25 years to 39.13% in the age range of 36-44 years in men and from 18.64% at the age of 18-25 years to 42.37% in women aged 36-44 years.
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