Risk to the health of the population of the Dnipropetrovsk region from atmospheric air pollution with heavy metals





pollution, atmospheric air, industrial cities, health, heavy metals, impact, non-carcinogenic, carcinogenic risk


Introduction. Atmospheric air pollution of a chemical nature, including heavy metals, is one of the greatest environmental hazards for public health. The aim of the study. Determination of the impact of atmospheric air contaminated with heavy metals in industrial cities of the Dnepropetrovsk region on public health in terms of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks. Materials and methods. The research was conducted using the methods of a systematic approach, bibliosemantic, analytical, and medical-statistical. Results. Average annual concentrations of heavy metals in the atmospheric air of industrial cities of the Dnipropetrovsk region over the 10-year period of the study did not exceed MPCd.a. and were characterized by certain spatio-temporal features. At the same time, the assessment of the risk of developing non-carcinogenic effects due to the inhalation effect of heavy metals on the human body shows that the general danger index in the city of Kamianske is high, in the city of Dnipro it is alarming, and in the city of Kryvyi Rih it is acceptable. At the same time, the existing level of air pollution of the studied cities with carcinogenic substances from the group of heavy metals cannot be considered safe and causes a certain risk for the health of their residents. This situation is in a certain way caused by the non-compliance of certain hygiene regulations with international standards and necessitates their revision, as well as changes in approaches to determining the danger to human health from atmospheric air pollution using the methodology for calculating non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk indicators in accordance with international recommendations. Conclusion. The obtained results indicate the existence of a risk of developing non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic effects in the population of industrial cities from exposure to heavy metals in atmospheric air. Such a situation requires dynamic and constant control, development and implementation of planned health measures to minimize them, and in some industrial cities – the implementation of urgent comprehensive measures to reduce them.


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