The second law of thermodynamics for the dentistry




dentistry, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, thermodynamics, entropy, bifurcation, crystal, dissipation


Introduction. The development of teeth is a complex and long process. It begins in the embryonic period and ends in 18-20 years. Teeth are derivatives of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of the embryo. Most of the tooth tissues are of mesenchymal origin and only the enamel develops from the ectodermal epithelium. The aim of the study. With the help of thermodynamic laws, analyze the causes of caries and its complications. Research results and their discussion. Signs of inflammation, which at one time were introduced into medical practice by the famous Roman physician Celsus (Celsus'a), are Calor, Rubor, Tumor, Dolor, Funcio laesa, these are systemic physical concepts, that is, physical changes in indicators of the state of the system; temperature, volume, pressure, function changes, in other words, parameter changes. It is known that when a person's body temperature rises, pulpitis complicated by marginal periodontitis can occur. Under such conditions, where the state of the disease is the law of conservation of energy, and we need to go beyond it in order to try to analyze and explain the cause of caries and its complications. It is possible to go beyond this law thanks to a new function introduced by Clausius, called "entropy" and denoted by the letter S, which can increase only as a result of irreversible reactions. And how to assume that dental caries occurs with a change in entropy, where the clarity of the entropic factor in the occurrence of caries is confirmed by periodontitis – the death of tissue, its transformation into putrid decay with further continuation of the inflammatory process and possible removal of the tooth – irreversible processes lead, of their own kind to the one-sidedness of time: the positive direction of time correlates with the growth of entropy. Caries and its complications are irreversible processes Conclusions. Entropy plays an important role in explaining the causes of dental caries and its complications. The diagnosis of acute, chronic inflammation of the pulp depends on the entropy factor. The choice of the vector of the time of inflammation of the disease indicates the point of onset of the disease in the system, which fluctuates, and the specific mechanisms of influence before the onset of the disease and its subsequent course depend on the state of the system.


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