Level of dental education amongst students of different faculties of Uzhhorod university
hygiene products, surveys, oral hygiene, prevention, level of hygiene, students, questionnairesAbstract
The data obtained as a result of the student questionnaire made it possible to determine the level of knowledge about oral hygiene. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative assessment of knowledge about methods of prevention of oral cavity diseases among students of various faculties of the University of Uzhhorod. Materials and methods. On the basis of the University Dental Polyclinic of the Uzhgorod National University, a questionnaire and dental examination of students of the 1st-2nd years of the stomatological and physical faculties of the Uzhgorod National University was conducted. The total number of those examined was 220 people. The average age of respondents was 19.0 ± 1.2 years. The questionnaire contained questions about the basics of proper nutrition, oral hygiene rules and using a toothbrush. The questionnaire contained questions related to the basics of proper nutrition: frequency of meals per day, consumption of sweet foods, drinks, frequency of consumption of hard vegetables and fruits. Also included were questions related to the basic rules of using a toothbrush (the degree of hardness of the bristles, the time after which it is being replaced), determining the level of knowledge of the basic hygienic skills of brushing teeth, its mode and time. The results. According to the survey data, the majority of respondents listen to the advice of dentists and hygienists, brush their teeth twice a day, change their toothbrush 3-4 times a year and use a toothbrush of medium hardness (students of the dental faculty – 92.8; 69.6; 38.4 and 88%, physics faculty – 72%, 56.8%, 40% and 84%, respectively). 52% of physics respondents use additional hygiene products, 43.2% of surveyed dental students use additional hygiene products. According to the survey data, it was found that the majority of respondents brush their teeth twice a day (73.6% of dental students, 56.8% of physicists), 24% of interviewed dentists and 40% of physicists brush their teeth once a day, three times a day 2.4% of dental students and 3.2% of physicists brush their teeth daily. Also, 38.4% of dental students brush their teeth after breakfast and before bed, 25.2% – before breakfast and before bed, 19.2% – before breakfast, 6% – after breakfast, 4.8% – three times a day. 3.2% – before and after breakfast and 3.2% – only before bedtime. Among physics students, 36% brush their teeth after breakfast and before bed, 28% – before breakfast and before bed, 20% – before breakfast, 8% – after breakfast, 4% – before bed, and 4% – every time after a meal. The majority of interviewed dentists (68%) spend 3-4 minutes brushing their teeth, 26% – 1-2 minutes, and 6% – 5-6 minutes. The majority of dentist respondents (60%) brush their teeth for 1-2 minutes, 36% – 3-4 minutes, and 4% – 5-6 minutes. Conclusions. It is obvious that the level of dental health directly depends on the level of dental education. There is a need for greater public awareness through educational tools (books, brochures, posters, magazines, advertisements), sanitary and educational work and health lessons in schools.
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