Approaches for forming intersectoral working groups to develop and implement public health programs at the territorial community level




public health, territorial communities, intersectoral working groups, local programs


Purpose: Identify and describe basic approaches to the formation of intersectoral working groups for the development and implementation of public health programs at the level of territorial communities to ensure the conditions for their potential effective functioning Materials and methods. The following methods were used in the course of the research: bibliosemantic, structural and logical analysis, systematic approach and analysis, content analysis. The research materials were legislative acts and regulations of Ukraine, standard forms of organizational, legal, administrative and methodological documents. Results. A unified indicative list of institutions whose representatives can be involved in the functioning of intersectoral working groups for the development and implementation of public health programs at the level of territorial communities has been formed. Possible roles, functions and tasks of the proposed list of possible program implementation partners have been identified, which will help to identify potential target participants in the working group for the development and implementation of such programs. Conclusions. The proposed approaches to the formation of intersectoral working groups for the development and implementation of public health programs at the level of territorial communities will help local governments or members of the initiative group to ensure the rational use of human resources of the territorial community for the development and implementation of local programs in public health and social services.


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Public health