Availability of medical care to the population of remote settlements of the mountainous geographical area: according to the results of a sociological study
mountainous geographical area, remote settlements, medical care, availability, sociological studyAbstract
Purpose: the aim is to reveal the level of territorial availability of certain types of medical care for the population of remote settlements in the mountainous geographical area of Transcarpathian region. Materials and methods. Materials: the results of a sociological study among 197 residents of remote settlements in the mountainous geographical area of Transcarpathian region. Methods: bibliosemantic, sociological, medical and statistical, structural and logical analysis. Results. 82,2% of respondents signed a declaration with a family doctor to receive primary health care. 56,3% of respondents indicated that there is an outpatient clinic in their locality, and 50,3% of respondents have the opportunity to consult a family doctor on the day of health problem occurring. 83,8% of respondents are satisfied with the family doctor activities to some extent. Emergency, rehabilitation, psychological and dental medical care is contingently available for residents of remote settlements in the mountainous geographical area. The possibility of purchasing the necessary medicines is limited. Conclusions. The results of the study indicate the need to make special administrative and organizational decisions to provide the population of remote settlements in the mountainous geographical area with medical care.
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