Dynamics of parameters of autonomic nervous system functioning and psychoemotional status as a criterion for the effectiveness of the physical therapy program for patients with bruxism





physical therapy, rehabilitation in stomatology, maxillofacial diseases, bruxism


Purpose: evaluation of the effectiveness of the physical therapy program on the functioning parameters of the autonomic nervous system and psycho-emotional status in patients with bruxism. Materials and methods. The control group consisted of 32 people without burdened dental status. The comparison group consisted of 61 people with bruxism, which was corrected with individual relaxing splints. The main group consisted of 65 people with bruxism, in whom, in addition to splints, a physical therapy program was applied – therapeutic exercises, massage, post-isometric relaxation, kinesiological taping, transcutaneous electromyostimulation; autorelaxation sessions; patient education. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated by Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, 24-hour heart rate variability monitoring, SF-36. Results. The introduction of physical therapy revealed an improvement in the condition of patients according to the indicators of the psycho-emotional state (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), reduction of autonomic dysfunction due to suppression of excessive activity of its sympathetic division (24-hourly monitoring of heart rate variability), improvement of quality of life (SF-36) (р < 0,05). In patients who used only individual caps, only an improvement in the quality of sleep and certain components of the quality of life (pain and social functioning) was determined. Conclusions. In the rehabilitation of patients with bruxism, it is advisable to include measures taking into account and correcting not only local dental, but also general somatic consequences of bruxism, which will improve their quality of life.


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Physical therapy and rehabilitation