Assessment of population satisfaction with the attitude of medical personnel in conflict situations




conflict in medicine, causes of conflict, population satisfaction, quality of medical care.


Purpose is to determine the level of satisfaction of the population with medical care in medical institutions in the event of conflict situations among the population of Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi region. Materials and methods. The main objective of the study was to determine the degree of patient satisfaction with the quality of medical care at the primary level. The research was conducted by means of an electronic questionnaire. The sample includes 1,146 people aged 18-56 and older, residents of Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi region. Results. Almost half of the respondents (42,5%) gave a neutral overall assessment of the quality of the provision of medical services at the primary level («Partially satisfied» assessment). Only 25,5% of respondents gave a positive assessment («Satisfied» and «Very satisfied»); 32% spoke negatively («Not satisfied» and «Very dissatisfied») regarding the quality of the medical services received. Survey participants were asked to review their most recent visit to their family doctor. Among the difficulties that patients face when visiting a family doctor, the most common are long lines for appointments with doctors, uncomfortable waiting areas and inconvenient appointment schedules. According to the respondents, the following can be done to improve the quality of medical care in medical institutions: provide the opportunity to make an online appointment with a doctor and receive a preliminary consultation using video communication, coordinate the appointment schedules of family doctors, narrow specialists and the working hours of the laboratory, the opportunity to pass tests directly in the dispensary, increase the number of medical personnel, improve the material and technical conditions of the dispensaries. Giving an overall assessment of the quality of medical care at the primary level, 11,5% of respondents rated it as «very good», 40% chose the option «good». The quality of medical services is considered satisfactory by 36,9% of respondents, unsatisfactory by 6,2% and completely unsatisfactory by 5,4%. Conclusions. The majority of respondents gave a positive overall assessment of the quality of medical services at the primary level. According to the respondents, it is possible to improve the quality of services through the wider use of technologies to improve communication between the primary care institution and patients (for example, the possibility of online appointment and contact with the doctor using video communication).


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