Characteristics of hip joint diseases in the adult population of Transcarpathian region




Transcarpathian region, adult population, hip joint, diseases, prevalence of diseases.


Purpose is to study and analyze the incidence and prevalence of hip diseases requiring reconstructive surgical care. Materials and methods. Materials: data of sectoral statistical reporting in Transcarpathian region for the years 2020-2022. Methods: medico-statistical and of structural-and-logical analysis. Results. An increase in the incidence of the adult population of the Transcarpathian region and the prevalence of the following diseases of the hip joint among them was detected in the course of the study: coxarthrosis, fracture of the femoral neck, post-traumatic arthrosis, osteonecrosis (aseptic or avascular necrosis) of the femoral head. It is found that in the context of the administrative territories of the region, these indicators differ significantly. Conclusions. The indicators of incidence and prevalence of hip joint diseases among the adult population of the region are among the basic factors in the formation of the system of reconstructive surgical and traumatological care for the population.


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