Modifiable factors associated with breast cancer




modified risk factors, primary care, prevention, breast cancer.


Purpose consists in determining the main modified risk factors among the population of Poltava region. Materials and methods. The research was conducted using a quantitative method according to case-control design. Women who underwent an oncological examination at the gynecologist of the Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital took part in the study. With the help of a specially developed questionnaire, a survey of 242 women was conducted (122 with established breast cancer and 120 healthy). Results. The analysis of the obtained data revealed that the influential factors are unsatisfactory financial situation (in 2.8 times), absence of children (in 1.7 times), history of abortions (in 2.06 times), use of contraceptives (in 2.8 times), smoking (3.1 times), heredity (5.6 times). There was also a reliable influence on the increase in the risk of breast cancer caused by some nutritional factors – excessive consumption of meat and insufficient consumption of fruits. Conclusions. As can be seen from the results of the conducted research, socio-demographic and behavioral factors increase the risk of developing breast cancer, and at the same time, the identification of important factors allows to orient primary care specialists of the region to their prevention.


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