Attitude of students to their health in the conditions of war




students, war, health, personal value, healthy lifestyle, influence, self-esteem, model, negative factors.


Purpose is to investigate the process of forming the readiness of students of a medical institution to preserve and strengthen health in the conditions of war. Materials and methods. Materials: results of a sociological survey of 450 students. Methods: bibliosemantic, sociological, medical-statistical, structural-logical analysis. Results. Since the beginning of the war, a significant change in value priorities has been observed. Personal safety and the safety of relatives come to the fore. Personal health does not yet occupy an important place in the minds of respondents. The main negative factors affecting the health of students in war conditions have been established. These include, first of all, such bad habits as smoking (68.3%) and drinking alcohol (65.1%). This can be caused by the stress and uncertainty of war. Healthy lifestyles become less of a priority, which can have a negative impact on students' physical and mental health. In addition, there is a high level of unhealthy lifestyle factors among students, which negatively affects their health. Among these factors, special attention should be paid to computer addiction, since 63.7% of students spend more than six hours at the computer every day. At the same time, in the conditions of the war against Russian aggression, such emotional factors as fear for one's own life and the life of relatives also appeared. These factors, along with other stressful situations, can cause mental exhaustion among students. Overall, the results of the analysis indicate that the conditions of war can have a serious impact on the physical and mental health of students and require careful attention and support. Conclusions. The war against russian aggression has a negative impact on the health of student youth.


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