The relevance of training managers for health care institutions in the field of organ transplantation




transplantation; system of organ transplantation, donation.


Purpose. Studying the experience of foreign hospitals in the field of organ transplantation proves that their development is possible only on the basis of innovative achievements of fundamental science, development and implementation of new effective organizational technologies in medical practice. The aim of the work is to study and substantiate the necessity of training managers for the system of organ transplantation and donation in Ukraine, which is developing. Material and methods. In order to substantiate the need for the training of qualified personnel and, first of all, managers for the development of organ transplantation and donation in Ukraine, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, interpretation of scientific data, as well as systemic and structural-functional approaches were applied. Results. There is a well-founded need to train managers capable of managing the system of organ transplantation and donation in the developing regions of Ukraine, based on systemic and strategic approaches. Scientific search and development of optimal administrative and organizational decisions in the field of emergency care, anaesthesiology, postmortem donation and transplant coordination are necessary for the training of managers at the regional level. Conclusions. The relevance of training qualified managers to lead the organ transplantation and donation system in Ukraine has been proven. An unprepared management apparatus is not able to increase the social, medical and economic efficiency of the developing organ transplantation and donation system. The priority areas of training qualified managers are the formation of their ideology based on management principles.


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