The degree of anxiety of the average medical staff during the martial law in Ukraine




nursing staff, Spielberger's questionnaire, reactive anxiety, personality anxiety.


Purpose is to study the peculiarities of the psycho-emotional state of nursing staff under martial law. Materials and methods. The study was based on the results of a sociological survey of 170 nurses of an ambulance and emergency medical care clinic using the Spielberger questionnaire and data from the scientific literature. The following methods were used: systematic approach, bibliosemantic, sociological, and medical statistics. Results. The level of reactive anxiety among nursing staff of the health care facility where the survey was conducted significantly exceeded 30 points (47.19±0.63), i.e. was moderately high. Similar changes were found in the assessment of personal anxiety: the average number of points was 48.19±0.59% and ranged from 31 to 75 points. The comparison of the data obtained by gender revealed that a high level of reactive anxiety was found in 61.90% of men and amounted to 51.38±2.38 points. In women, who make up the bulk of the institution's nursing staff, the result was as follows: high anxiety was observed in 57.72% of respondents with an average score of 53.12±0.90. Personal anxiety in women was higher than in men: 48.44±0.62 versus 46.43±1.72 points. Conclusions. It was found that both reactive and personality anxiety of nurses were moderately high, with a predominance of women. In men, personal anxiety was lower than reactive anxiety. The opposite was true for women, with personal anxiety prevailing when compared to reactive anxiety. To some extent, this characterizes the peculiarities of the respondents' working conditions, and the constitutional characteristics of a person determine the tendency to perceive psychological stress in a wide range of situations.


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