Strategic planning of medical care for the population by healthcare institutions of the hospital cluster




strategic planning, hospital cluster, and the conceptual model.


Purpose. In the current conditions, there is a need for organizational changes in the field of health care, which are changed by the subsequent adaptation of healthcare institutions to modern challenges and the need to change the needs and forms of their functioning. The way to address this issue is to create a strategic plan for the development of the healthcare system for the population, both for a single healthcare facility and for a group of healthcare facilities in a certain territory, which was formed into hospital clusters by the decision of regional state administrations and confirmed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Purpose is to develop a conceptual model for strategic planning of health care at the district level. Materials and methods. The study was based on the scientific literature, and the results of a sociological survey of healthcare managers and the population on the organization of medical care, including taking into account changes based on the administrativeterritorial reform in Ukraine. The following methods were used: a systematic approach, a bibliosemantic, sociological, and conceptual modeling. Results. The conceptual model of strategic planning of health care at the rayon level outlines 3 basic stages of its implementation: Task, Potential, and Result. Each of these stages involves the implementation of specific activities. All stages of the strategic plan development and implementation are supported by the Scientific Support and Regulation Unit. Administration and staffing of healthcare facilities of the hospital cluster (newly created rayon) is carried out by state administrations and executive structures of the healthcare system. In the newly created region, within the structure of a cluster healthcare institution, it is proposed to create a District Center for monitoring and evaluating public health indicators and the results of the implementation of the Strategic Plan. Conclusions. Strategic planning in hospital cluster healthcare facilities, taking into account the demographic problems of the service area, and the vision and goals of individual cluster facilities, allows the healthcare sector to focus on the necessary and longterm transformations for the future. The effectiveness of the hospital cluster's healthcare facilities depends on the degree of involvement of the population and healthcare workers in improving their own lives, their understanding of the importance of the healthcare system in the development of the territory, and the promotion of the health of the population living in the area.


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