Palliative and hospice care in the Kharkiv region in the first year of the war




lethality, need for PHC, staffing, adaptation to wartime conditions.


Palliative and hospice care (PHC) is provided in specialized institutions (hospices), palliative departments and wards of other specialized and multidisciplinary hospitals and mobile teams. In 1999, “Hospice”, a communal enterprise of the Kharkiv Regional Council, was established in Kharkiv to provide PHC to patients of the Kharkiv region, which has a neurology and oncology department. Purpose is analysis of performance indicators of the Kharkiv "Hospice" in the first year of the full-scale war with russia in comparison with 2016–2021, and assessment of the success of the hospital’s adaptation to wartime conditions. Materials and methods. Bibliosemantic and medical-statistical methods, as well as the method of system analysis, were used for the research. The results. As a result of the study, it was established that for the period 2019–2022, 96.9% of the patients of the “Hospice” were residents of the Kharkiv region. Among the “Hospice” patients during this period, female predominated (407 (68.4 %) patients), and 486 (81.7 %) palliative patients with oncological diseases and degenerative diseases of the nervous system were older than 70 years. The shortage of personnel of the “Hospice” among medical and auxiliary personnel was revealed (22.0%), which approximately doubled in comparison with the pre-war year 2021 (from 11.9%). At the same time, the number of bed days spent by palliative patients in 2022, on the contrary, increased by approximately 5% (from 92.96% of the norm in 2021 to 97.70% in 2022). In 2022, 113 (91.1%) patients died as a result of their stay in the “Hospice”. The mortality rate of “Hospice” patients in the first year of the war slightly exceeded the average for the last 2019–2022 (89.6%). Conclusions. “Hospice” demonstrated high adaptability to wartime conditions and can increase its contribution to the PCB of the Kharkiv region after the war.


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