Some indicators of pregnancy complications in the Kharkiv region in comparison with the indicators in Ukraine




pregnancy, complications, course.


Materials and methods. Statistical data of the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and “СNЕP КRС regional center of medical statistics, healthy lifestyle and information-analytical activity” (form No. 21 Report on medical care for pregnant women, women in labor and women in childbirth). Bibliosemantic and statistical methods were used in the work. Results. Over the 5-year period from 2017 to 2021, the levels of pregnancy complications studied in the Kharkiv region do not have a steady downward trend. In 2018, in the Kharkiv region, an excess of the rate of pregnancies complicated by anemia per 100 pregnant women who ended their pregnancy was registered. It was determined that in 2019, the average Ukrainian indicator for pregnancies complicated by infections of the genitourinary system was exceeded in the Kharkiv region. The highest rates were registered in Krasnokutskyi (54.3), Bogodukhivskyi (40.6), Lozivskyi (33.7), Vovchanskyi (28.4), Zachepylivskyi (27.8) per 100 pregnant women who ended their pregnancy. Conclusions. Indicators of pregnancy complications do not tend to decrease, and some indicators in the dynamics over 5 years in the Kharkiv region exceed the Ukrainian average. Taking this into account, there is a need to substantiate the model of early detection and prevention of the pathological course of pregnancy in obstetric practice.


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