Medical and social features of coverage vaccinations of children of the Cherkasy region against measles, rubella and epidemic parotitis




vaccination, measles, rubella, mumps, vaccination statistics.


The aim of research is analysis of the level of vaccination coverage against measles, rubella and mumps among children in the Cherkasy region for 2018–2022 in children aged 1 and 6 years. Material and methods. Statistical data of the public health center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the level of vaccination coverage of the child population of the Cherkasy region during 2018–2022 served as the material of the study. Bibliosemantic and statistical methods were used in the work. Results and conclusions. When studying the dynamics of vaccination coverage of children aged 1 against measles, rubella, and epidemic parotitis in the Cherkasy region during 2018–2022, the lowest rate was noted in 2020, which was 82.1%, and the highest rate of vaccination coverage in 2021, which was 94.5%. But, unfortunately, we can observe a decrease in vaccination coverage among children in 2022, which is 87.3%.When studying the dynamics of vaccination coverage of children aged 6 against measles, rubella, and mumps in the Cherkasy region during 2018-2022, the lowest rate was noted in 2022 – 81.2%, and the highest rate of vaccination coverage in 2018, which was 95.8%. In 2022, there is a decrease in vaccination coverage of children, which is 81.2%. It can be concluded that the level of vaccination among children against measles, rubella and epidemic parotitis at the age of 6 years is sharply decreasing. Yes, when the level of vaccination in 1-year-old children is approximately the same every year. But this is an insufficient level, because for the formation of collective immunity, it is necessary that the level of vaccination reaches 95–98%. There is a tendency to decrease the number of vaccination coverage of children against measles, rubella and mumps, which is an even greater indicator for studying this topic.


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