The burden of ischemic heart disease in Ukraine and the possibility of its reduction due to the control of modified risk factors




ischemic heart disease, DALYs, risk factors, prevention, Ukraine.


The aim is to analyze the burden of ischemic heart disease (IHD) and determine the possibility of its reduction due to IHD modified risk factors control. Materials and methods. The burden of IHD was estimated by DALYs (Disability-Adjusted Life Years). The statistical method was used to analyze the data obtained from the database of the international epidemiological study “Global Burden of Disease”, updated for 2019. The analysis was carried out in the dynamics for 1990-2019 in Ukraine in comparison with European and EU countries. Results. IHD is the main cause of the disease burden in Ukraine, which accounts for a fourth (25.9%) of all years of healthy life lost. Age-standardized IHD DALYs per 100,000 population in Ukraine is 3.3 times higher than the average in European countries and 5.8 times higher than in the EU. The burden of IHD among population of Ukraine can be reduced on 57.6% by normalizing blood pressure, on 54.7% by improving diet, on 49.7% by lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, on 29.3% by lowering body mass index, and on 26.1% by quitting smoking. Conclusions. The Ukrainian strategy for reducing the burden of IHD should be interdisciplinary, comprehensive, consider the positive European experience and combine population and individual (for high-risk groups) approaches to modifiable risk factors control.


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