Synergistic effects of alcohol abuse and sexually transmitted diseases on gut and vaginal microbiota in women of childbearing age




alcohol abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, gut microbiota, vaginal microbiota, women of fertile age.


The aim of the study is to investigate the combined effects of alcohol abuse factors and sexually transmitted diseases on gut and vaginal microbiota changes in women of fertile age. The materials for the study were the results of bacteriological studies of vaginal and colon microflora (80 patients were examined, 30 women were assigned to the main group I, 30 to the main group II and 20 to the control group). Sowing for dense media was carried out by a sector method. Lactobacteria were identified by morpho-tinctorial and culture properties. The number of microbial cells was calculated after counting the colonies and listing the data into tithe logarithms, the number of bacteria in 1 g of biological material of the microbiota of the colon was calculated by the number of colony-forming units when seeding from the maximum dilution taking into account the volume of inoculum. Results of the study convince that there are more significant changes in the gut microbiota of women who abuse alcohol and have sexually transmitted infections, compared to women who had only an alcohol abuse factor. So, the established reduction in the number of Fucmicutes sticks can potentially lead to digestive problems. In addition, in women with both alcohol dependence and sexually transmitted infections, disorders of vaginal microbiocenosis were observed, characterized by an increase in the frequency and quantitative indicators of conditional pathogens. Pathogenic staphylococci, enterococci and enterobacteria, such as E. coli, were more commonly detected while reducing the level of lactoflora seeding. Candida was diagnosed in almost one in four women (25% of patients). Conclusions. The findings prove the importance of synergistic effects of alcohol abuse and sexually transmitted infections on the health of women of fertile age, highlighting the appropriateness of targeted interventions to restore gut and vaginal microbiota in such patients.


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