Application of sensory integration therapy in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy




sensory integration therapy, cerebral palsy, children.


The purpose is to conduct a comparative assessment of traditional therapy and physical therapy using sensory integration for children with cerebral palsy. Materials and methods. In the course of the analysis, we used the data of children (n=24) who underwent treatment at the Center for Medical and Social Rehabilitation of Children named after St. Michael. In order to identify certain characteristics, a questionnaire was completed for each child, with the help of parents. This questionnaire included the child’s age and sex, medical status, and the starting age of the rehabilitation program. In addition, problems and information on the Ashforth scale and the GMFCS, which were obtained by therapists with direct examination, were collected. Results. 24 children with cerebral palsy took part in the study, who in turn were divided into control (n=10) and experimental (n=14) groups. The control group underwent therapy according to the institution’s traditional program, and the experimental group, respectively, according to the program developed by us (which additionally included sensory integration therapy). As a result of the research, statistically significant differences in the indicators of the control group were found. A statistically significant improvement of the Ashworth scale indicators for the upper and lower extremities after treatment compared to the indicators before treatment was established. The average number of points after therapy corresponds to moderate (3.12±0.10 points) spasticity of the upper and lower limbs. The results of the experimental group on the Ashworth limb spasticity scale after the experiment also became statistically significantly better than before the experiment. Dynamics of indicators characterizing therapeutic effects. As shown in this table, the results of therapy in the experimental group were significantly better than in the control group. Thus, the developed program with the use of sensory integration has a significantly more pronounced therapeutic effect on both scales than the traditional program. Conclusions. Both applied rehabilitation programs have a reliably significant therapeutic effect both on the Ashworth spasticity scale for the upper and lower limbs, and on the GMFCS motor scale. At the same time, the index of spasticity of the limbs according to the Ashworth scale in patients of the experimental group underwent a transition from moderate to slight spasticity, while in the control group it remained within the range of moderate spasticity. In addition, in the children of the experimental group, there was an improvement in the GMFCS motor scale indicator, which was also accompanied by an improvement in the prognosis, which corresponded to the ability to move independently with restrictions, while in the control group, there were no significant changes in the prognosis of the ability to move independently.


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