Health locus of control and optimal communication channels selection in Ukraine




health communication, locus of control, noncommunicable diseases, cluster analysis, social determinants of health


Introduction. The extent people believe they have control over their health (locus of control) has been identified as a clinically valuable factor to consider in behavior change campaigns. The article aims to study the variations in attitudes towards authority and trust of various sources of information about the health of citizens of Ukraine, depending on changes in locus of control. Methods. The answers of 402 respondents from all regions of Ukraine, obtained in the cross-sectional study, were analyzed. Three factors of locus of control (proactive, collective, and directive) and six clusters (collective, antidirective, anticollective-directive, antiproactive, anticollective, mixed) were identified. Results. The clusters differ more in attitude to health, the assessment of social factors affecting health, the importance of children's compliance with recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, and the levels of trust in the sources of medical information. The proactive and directive orientation is usually associated with a healthier lifestyle, better treatment adherence, and higher trust in physicians, and collective (fatalistic) with a less healthy lifestyle and higher trust in common sources of information (mass media, social media). Conclusions. The development of online medical communities is a universal response to healthcare issues in Ukraine, which is particularly useful for more proactive and collective-oriented people.


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