Features of the physical component of health in nursing students





quality of life, SF-36 questionnaire, age, work experience, academic performance, students


The purpose is to analyze indicators of the physical component of the life quality of nursing students and their association with age, work experience and academic performance. Materials and methods. 70 students of the Master level of higher education in specialty 223 “Nursing” were included in the study. Quality of life was assessed using the SF-36 questionnaire. Statistical analysis of data was carried out using the “STATISTICA 7.0” software. Results. The analysis of the scores of the physical component of health (PCS) based on the results of the analysis of the SF-36 questionnaire showed that students aged 20-30 years had significantly higher values of PCS indicators (by 25.67%), PF (by 47.04 %), RP (by 162.17%) and BP (by 20.32%), in relation to the studied data in students over 40 years old. It was found significantly higher values of РCS indicators (by 29.72%), PF (by 68.51%), RP (by 151.28%), BP (by 36.05%) and GH (by 17.02%), in relation to the studied data for students with more than 15 years of work experience. In students with low academic performance, PCS, RP, and GH are likely to be higher than similar indicators in students with excellent academic performance by 27.31%, 188.84%, and 45.30%, respectively. Conclusions. In nursing students, the physical component of health decreases with age and work experience. At the same time, students with low academic performance are likely to have higher indicators of quality of life compared to data with excellent academic performance. A probable increase in the percentage of students with a low quality of life has been established with increasing age and work experience.


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