Epidemiology of skin melanoma among the adult population of Сhernihiv region in the pre-war period





skin, melanoma, incidence, advanced stages, mortality, indicators


Goal of research is to study and analyze epidemiological indicators of skin melanoma among adult population of Chernihiv region in the pre-war period. Materials and methods. Materials: the data of branch statistical reporting of Chernihiv region for the years 2020 and 2021. Methods: medico-statistical, of structural-and-logical analysis. Results. Negative epidemiological situation regarding skin melanoma among the adult population of Chernihiv region in the prewar period is detected, which is characterized by the following factors: a) an increase in the incidence of skin melanoma among the population with an indicator of 7.6 per 100 thousand people in 2021 with an excess of the national indicator in the region (1.15 times): 7.6 versus 6.6 respectively; b) a fairly high level of detection of the disease in advanced stages is registered in the region: III – 6.3%, IV – 7.9%; c) the five-year survival rate fluctuates around 64%, which is in line with national rates. All the studied and analyzed indicators have a significant difference in the context of the administrative territories of the region. Conclusions. The results of the study indicate the need to optimize organizational preventive measures and to strengthen information and educational activities among the population.


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Public health