Health care system manager: analysis of definitions and key competences




healthcare system manager, competency assessment system, management psychology, education


Purpose is to analyse international definitions and management systems of the process of assessing the competencies of the health care system manager. Materials and methods. The research material was data from the scientific literature and the results of a sociological survey of healthcare system managers and senior and mid-level medical personnel. The following methods were used: a systematic approach, bibliosemantic, sociological, and conceptual modelling. Results. The process of becoming a manager of a healthcare system as a leader can be divided into three stages: awareness of a leadership position, acceptance of the role of a manager, and gaining experience in this activity. «Competence» combines knowledge, skills and attitudes. Competencies represent the patterns of behaviour that high-quality performers most often demonstrate to achieve the most outstanding results. They provide a solid foundation for consistent and objective performance standards, creating a common language about what is required of the organisation and what is expected of the candidate. Conclusions. Past performance is an indicator of future performance. The difference between an excellent performer and an average performer is more apparent when dealing with complex situations than when doing routine work. Although the competencies represent behaviours associated with high performers, no individual should exhibit each at the highest level. Competency models represent the patterns of behaviour most closely associated with outstanding performance rather than core competencies – they do not include everything a person must be able to do to be successful at work. Competencies are measured in terms of what people do.


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Organization and management of health care