Analysis of regulatory support for the work of nurses in preschool educational institutions of Ukraine




nursing, preschool educational institutions, healthcare system


The purpose. The goal is to conduct an analysis of the state of the regulatory framework for medical care in preschool educational institutions, identify shortcomings and gaps in this matter requiring resolution and improvement. This is intended to enhance the functioning of medical departments in preschool educational institutions. Materials and methods. The study involved the examination of key legal acts in the fields of healthcare and education in Ukraine. The research employed bibliosemantic, content analysis, and a systemic approach. Results. Numerous discrepancies and contradictions were identified in the legal acts regulating the provision of medical services in educational institutions, particularly in preschools. There are also significant gaps in aspects such as communication between medical professionals in educational institutions and healthcare facilities, negatively impacting the accessibility, continuity, and quality of medical care provided to preschoolers. Conclusions. Existing norms and legislation in Ukraine require further improvement to align with international standards in the field of medical care in educational institutions.


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Organization and management of health care