Assessment by general practitionersfamily doctors of providing the population of territorial communities with medical care




territorial communities, population, medical care, provision, family doctors, assessment


Goal of research is to study the level of assessment by general practitioners-family doctors of providing the population of territorial communities with medical care. Materials and methods. Methods: bibliosemantic, sociological, medico-statistical, of structural-and-logical analysis. Materials:data from information sources on the research topic and the results of sociological survey among 87 general practitionersfamily doctors of Transcarpathian region. During the study, the confidentiality of information about respondents was preserved. Results and discussion. The obtained results of the study indicate an insufficient level of providing the population of territorial communities of Transcarpathian region with certain types of medical care. First of all, it concerns territorial communities located in the mountainous geographical zone. At the same time, all territorial communities of the region do not have adopted targeted programs of medical provision of the population and preservation of their health Conclusions. The results of the study on the insufficient level of providing the population, if necessary, with certain types of medical care and providing the disabled persons with rehabilitation services and individual means should be taken into account during the preparation and implementation of the next stage of reforming the health care system of the region with the involvement of territorial communities in solving the problem.


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Organization and management of health care