Methodology for determining the need for reconstructive surgical care for destructive diseases and injuries of the hip joints




destructive diseases and injuries of the hip joints, reconstructive surgical care, need, calculations, methodology


Goal of research is to develop and present methodological approaches to determining the need for reconstructive surgical care for destructive diseases and injuries of the hip joints. Materials and methods. Materials: data from scientific information sources on the topic of research. Methods: bibliosemantic, medico-statistical, method of modeling. Results. The developed methodological approaches and an algorithm for determining the need for reconstructive surgical care for destructive diseases and injuries of the hip joints are presented. To carry out the calculations, it is necessary to have data on the prevalence of destructive diseases and injuries of the hip joints among the adult population and the presence of absolute and relative contraindications in patients, as well as data on the average duration of inpatient treatment. The requirements for resource provision are determined by the National Health Service of Ukraine. Conclusions. The use of the proposed methodology will give possibility to calculate the need for reconstructive surgical care for destructive diseases and injuries of the hip joints in a certain administrative territory.


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Organization and management of health care