Modern aspects of the problem of influence of heavy metals in the environment on women's reproductive health
pollution, impact, adult population, pregnant women, heavy metals, cadmium, biosubstrates, blood, urine, genitourinary system, preeclampsia, industrial regionAbstract
Introduction. The current situation in Ukraine is characterized by the deterioration of the environment, which requires comprehensive and effective actions from the public health system, aimed, among other things, at the early detection of negative environmental factors and the prevention of their influence. Chemical factor from the standpoint of hygienic significance occupies a priority place in the spectrum of harmful factors of the conditions of human existence, and heavy metals are the most dangerous environmental pollutants, which have a wide range of negative consequences from violations of the trace element composition to toxic effects and effects on the generative function of a person. External exposure to cadmium, as one of the widespread toxicants, is especially dangerous for pregnant women. The aim of the study. Determination of the influence of cadmium contained in environmental objects on the level of internal pollution of the body of pregnant women and the frequency of manifestation of preeclampsia among women of the Dnipropetrovsk region. Materials and methods. The research program included an assessment of the cadmium content in life-saving environmental facilities and biological substrates of 89 healthy pregnant women by the atomic absorption method, as well as a retrospective analysis of data of the primary statistical documentation on the complication of pregnancy. Results. It was established that cadmium is constantly present in environmental objects in concentrations that are within the limits of normative values, but exceed the background levels and the results of research conducted in the territories of the ecological-geochemical optimum. Regardless of the relative sanitary and hygienic well-being of environmental objects in terms of cadmium content, an increase in its concentrations in biosubstrates is noted – the level of the metal in the blood and urine of women in industrial areas is significantly higher compared to the control (p<0,01), the content of cadmium in the urine of 36-50% of women in the studied areas of Dnipro exceeds the standard level. At the same time, the frequency of preeclampsia in practically healthy pregnant women has a direct correlation with the level of internal contamination of the body with cadmium. Conclusion. The results indicate an increase in the level of internal pollution of the body of the inhabitants of the industrial region due to technogenic influence, especially among sensitive sections of the population – pregnant women, which causes a violation of the adaptation systems of a woman's body during pregnancy, which is accompanied by the further development of various complications, in particular, preeclampsia.
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