pericardium, heart, cardiovascular system, immune system, milky spots, lymphocyteAbstract
Global statistics show a high mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases, which emphasizes the need for a deep understanding of the pericardium and its influence on the functioning of the heart. The heart is separаted from other organs of thoracic cavity by the pericardium, which performs not only structural, but also immune functions. Research into the morphological aspects of the pericardium, particularly its lymphoid component, provides new insights into the role of this organ in maintaining cardiac health. Special attention should be paid to the study of structural changes that occur in the nucleus as a result of experimental influences. It is important to consider not only infectious or traumatic causes, but also autoimmune and metabolic factors that can contribute to the development of inflammation of the pericardium. The article sets itself the task of carrying out a comprehensive analysis of research on the morphofunctional state of the pericardium, in particular in the context of an experiment on rats. Since the anatomy of the rat is similar to the human one, the results of such studies may be promising for solving the problems of cardiovascular pathology in the human body. The use of an integrative approach to the study of the heart allows to reveal not only anatomical and histological aspects, but also to understand the relationship of the heart with the immune system and local homeostasis. Such an approach is necessary for understanding the causes and mechanisms of the development of heart diseases, which determines its importance in the medical and social spheres.
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