small intestine, peritoneum, lymphocytes, immunity, adhesion disease, rats, microscopy, morphometry, histological changesAbstract
Recently, there has been a growing interest in the morpho-functional state of the peritoneum with the disclosure of its structure and reactivity to the action of physical, chemical and biological factors. Their active participation in the protective reaction of the abdominal cavity, on the one hand, and their important role in long-term inflammation and adhesion formation, on the other, are always of interest to morphologists, clinicians and other specialists. Increased interest in the peritoneum as an organ is explained by its special barrier and immunological functions. At the moment, most of the changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are associated with a violation of the tissue barrier during the penetration of pathogenic types of microorganisms and the absorption of toxic substances, which is one of the effects of biological factors on the intestine. Violation of immunological tolerance to one’s own microflora is one of the widespread pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract by an autoimmune mechanism, which is a consequence of eating poor-quality food, violation of nutritional hygiene and age-related changes in the body's immune system; which is also one of the biological factors of the violation of the histological barrier: the external environment – the intestine – the internal environment. Negative effects on the physiological processes of the gastrointestinal tract, age changes, surgical interventions, inflammatory processes are the consequences of the action of various physical and chemical factors (use of antibiotics and chemical preparations, food with preservatives and stabilizers, hypodynamia as a physical factor, bulimia and anorexia) lead to changes in the structure and functioning of all components of the peritoneum with subsequent remodeling of individual histological structures of the intestine and peritoneum. According to the literature, the consequence of the reconstruction of the histological structure of the intestine and peritoneum is the development of adhesion disease. According to the literature, today there is a significant number of methods for modeling adhesion disease in an experiment. Analyzing the experimental data, it makes sense to focus on adhesion disease according to the methodology of A. G. Volyanska. The advantages of this technique are ease of implementation, low cost of the technique, quick obtaining of the expected results and low mortality. Most of the authors who studied the physiology of the gastrointestinal tract as an experimental model choose rats, because anatomically this system of animals is similar to human anatomy. Features of the structure of the lymphoid tissue associated with the mucous membranes of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and peritoneum also coincide with the data obtained from humans. As a result of the bibliographic analysis of the literature, the modern understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the peritoneum was deepened and expanded. There are morphological and histological differences in the structure of individual structures of the peritoneum, which is a feature of this organ, and thus there should be different methodological approaches to the study of these individual structures of the peritoneum, namely, the parietal and visceral parts of the peritoneum, cap and mesentery. Based on the previous conclusion, the same can be said about the lymphoid tissue of individual structures of the peritoneum. In the parietal peritoneum, the lymphoid component is most often expressed as FALC (lymphoid clusters associated with adipose tissue). In the cap, many scientists have studied milky spots – cells of lymphoid tissue, but FALC are also present there, but in smaller quantities. To date, there are no data on the lymphoid component of intestinal mesenteric tissues, which is the subject of further research.
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