
  • O.Yu. Salka Uzhhorod National University




apple tree, red-fleshed varieties, pests, damage by predatory insects


The article discusses the peculiarities of the formation of entomocomplex of agrosystems of apple orchards of red-fleshed apple varieties – Era, Sirena, Baia Marisa and Odissio. As a result of inspections of industrial orchards and fruit trees on private plots, we found 37 species of insects from the orders of Homoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, which significantly harm apple culture. Among them, pests of the assimilating tissue of leaves, flower and leaf buds, flowers, fruits, trunk and branches and root system are noted. For many years, we have observed and recorded beneficial insects in gardens with organically clean technology and discovered 10 species of parasites from 5 families (order Hymenoptera) and 16 species of predators from 7 orders and 7 families. The species composition of entomophages of apple tree pests and their numerical ratio in gardens treated and not treated with pesticides are different. The presence of ectoparasites Hoplocampa brevis from the genus Bracon is most noticeable in uncultivated gardens. In addition, endoparasites of Psylla pyri – Prionomitus mitratus Dalm. and Aphydencyrtus taeniatus Frst., Nepticula sp. – Chrysocaris renteus Wolk. and Chrysocaris sp. were found only in uncultivated gardens. There are entomophagous predators that feed on Psylla pyri eggs and nymphs in abandoned gardens. These are beetles and larvae of Coccinella septempunctata L., Adalia bipunctata L. (Coleoptera); adults and larvae of Anthocoris nemoralis F. (Hemiptera); larvae of Inocelia crassicornis Schum. (Raphidioptera order); larvae of Chrisopa carnea Step. (Neuroptera); adults of Forficula auricularia L. (Dermaptera) and larvae of Syrphus selenticus Meid., S. sp. (Diptera). Most of the found individuals of predatory insects belong to pincers, coccinellids and goldflies.


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