
  • M.V. Soima Uzhhorod National University



species composition, spectrum of leading families, taxonomic structure, Uzhhorod


The object of research is the flora of the city of Uzhhorod, within its modern administrative boundaries. The main task of the work is to analyze and find out the modern systematic structure of the urban flora of the city, its characteristic features, by adding author's data and critical analysis of herbarium materials, as well as the analysis of floristic summaries of Uzhhorod city and Transcarpathia. 953 species of vascular plants belonging to 440 genera and 104 families were found in the urban flora of Uzhhorod. This includes all species that have been listed for the territory of the city of Uzhhorod throughout the history of its research, some known only from herbarium specimens, some confirmed by modern collections. The studied urban flora, in comparison with the data of V. V. Protopopova and M. V. Sheveri (2003), replenished with 155 species. Spores (1.9%) and gymnosperms (0.4%) are the least common in the urban flora of Uzhhorod (Table І). Angiosperms (97.6%) play a significant role in the number of species in the flora of the city. This distribution between taxa is typical for the globe in general. The number of monocotyledons in the studied urban flora is 15.6%, the number of dicotyledons is 82%. For the investigated urban flora, a comparison of floristic spectra and main proportions with urban floras of other cities of Ukraine was made, in order to determine its floristic richness. The generic coefficient of the compared urban flora varies from 7.4 (Male Polissya) to 9.6 (Kropyvnytskyi). In Uzhhorod, it is 9.1. The value of the generic coefficient is quite high, which indicates the floristic richness of the studied area. The rich composition of the urban flora of Uzhhorod is explained by the large territory of the suburban area of the city and the presence of preserved natural areas. In terms of the number of species (953), the city of Uzhhorod is close to the large industrial cities of southern Ukraine, such as Kherson (964), Mykolaiv (909) and Kryvyi Rih (882) in central Ukraine. The studied urban flora is characterized by a high level of floristic richness, high positions are occupied by the families Asteraceae, Poaceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae, which generally corresponds to the spectrum of the natural flora of Ukraine. The high position of the Brassicaceae family (62 species) and the entry into the top ten of the Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Caryophyllaceae and Boraginaceae families indicate the connection of the modern urban flora of Uzhhorod with the flora of the Ancient Mediterranean.


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