Bryobionta, syntaxonomic diversity, rare species, relic species, old-growth forestAbstract
The epiphytic bryophytes overgrowths of three massifs of riparian forests in the Atak, Ostrosh and Chomoninsky Forest tracts, which differ in the type of anthropogenic transformation, were investigated. The moss cover of the studied forests is represented by 53 bryobiontes species belonging to 36 genera, 20 families and 2 divisions of Marchantiophyta and Bryophyta, bryocoenotically distributed among 15 associations of 5 unions of 2 classes: Neckeretea complanatae and Frullanio dilatatae-Leucodontetea sciuroidis. The natural forest in the nature-protected area of Atak is characterized by the greatest diversity, where 43 bryophytes species, which are distributed among 8 epiphytic associations, have been noted; 17 species are signal, i.e. rare or relict for ancient forests. In the Ostrosh tract, 34 species of bryophytes (including 13 signal ones) and 7 associations were noted; in the Chomoninsky forest tract – 26 species (including 5 signal ones) and 6 associations were found. It was observed that the increase in the degree of anthropogenic load (drainage and forestry exploitation) leads to a decrease in the number of indicator species, which correlates with a reduction in species richness and a decrease in the overall syntaxonomic diversity. Anthropogenic disturbance in the natural regime of the forest leads to xerophytization of zonal microclimatic conditions, which causes the loss of sensitive mesophilic species, primarily relict ones, and decrease in the species diversity of the moss cover. The bryocoenotic transformation takes place according to the following scheme Neckerion complanatae → Ulotenion сrispae → Syntrichion laevipilae, in which the defined associations are indicators of the stages of the ecological series in the transformation from natural to anthropogenic forests.
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