craniology, morphology, Eastern Polissia, Chernihiv and Siveria Land, human skull, physical anthropology, craniometry, biological developmentAbstract
The article is devoted to the publication of a craniological series from the territory of the former Chernihiv governorate. The anthropological materials collected by V. Alekseev belong to the period between 18th and 19th centuries and contain mainly well-preserved human skulls. There is a total of 12 male skulls in the collection. They were measured by V. Alekseev according to the complete craniometric program using the standard R. Martin’s technique, according to which the numbering of features was indicated. The software for performing multidimensional analysis was developed by B. Kozintsev and A. Kozintsev in 1991. The purpose of the work is to introduce into scientific circulation the general characteristics of the male population of this territory collected by V. Alekseev against the background of adjacent ethnic groups of Ukraine and Eastern Europe, to determine the distance between individual series of the 14th – 19th centuries using multidimensional canonical and cluster analysis, and to find out the place of people inhabiting Chernihiv governorate within the system of craniological types of Eastern Europe and pheno-geographical anthropological zones of Ukraine. For the first time, a male series was created from Chernihiv governorate of the 18th – 19th centuries, in which 12 skulls were involved. According to the average value of the craniometric features, the group can be characterized as moderately brachycranial. The vertical diameter of the skull is moderate, as is the ear height. The forehead and back of the head are wide. The face is moderately wide, orthognathic, low and sharply profiled. The orbits are low, the nose is moderately wide, its protrusion is strong. The bridge of the nose is high. By comparing the square deviations of 40 main features and indices of male skulls from the former Chernihiv governorate with the standard ones, it can be assumed that the studied sample is heterogeneous in its composition. When comparing the studied male group of the 18th – 19th centuries with synchronous series and samples of the 16th – 19th centuries from the territories of Eastern, Central and Western Europe by the method of multidimensional canonical and cluster analysis, its partial similarity was noted both to the urban groups of Slobozhanshchyna and to the series from the Kyivan Arsenal.
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