Corylus avellana L., rooting, Tonda di Giffoni, fertilizers, growth stimulants, drought resistanceAbstract
The paper analyzes the features of an alternative method of propagation of the introduced hazelnut variety Tonda di Giffoni in the conditions of the lowland zone of Transcarpathia. This Italian variety adapts well to the local climate and soil conditions, demonstrating stable growth and development, as well as successful wintering. The influence of growth regulators and mineral and organic fertilizers on the efficiency of vegetative propagation of hazelnut in open ground was investigated. Seven variants were tested, including controls without irrigation and with irrigation, as well as the use of urea, monoammonium phosphate, organic extracts and growth regulators such as Radipharm and Humate by fertigation. The results showed that regular irrigation significantly improved rooting, increasing the length of newly formed shoots by 84% compared to the variant without irrigation. In the variant without irrigation, a significant decrease in leaf area was noted as an adaptation to moisture deficiency and increased drought resistance, but all other indicators of seedling growth and development also decreased. Correlation analysis revealed a strong direct relationship between shoot length, number and size of leaves and root system development (R > 0,7). The use of urea and monoammonium phosphate contributed to an increase in root length by 69%, and the growth regulator Radipharm increased the number of main roots by 28%. The use of humates also showed a positive effect on all morphometric indicators. The obtained data confirm that the use of drip irrigation in combination with fertilizers and growth regulators is an effective method of improving the quality of hazelnut seedlings, especially in areas with insufficient moisture.
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