birdlife, synanthropization, wetlands, diversity, adaptationAbstract
In the context of rapidly expanding urbanization in recent decades, habitat loss, urban sprawl, and infrastructure expansion often lead to the destruction or fragmentation of natural wetlands, which are important nesting sites for waterfowl. Studying the avifauna of large cities is of great importance for maintaining the ecological state of the environment and the vital activity of biota. In Ukraine, insufficient attention is paid to the study of the avifauna of urbanized water bodies, so the study of synanthropization processes is important for maintaining the ecological balance in the systems. The research was conducted in 2021–2024 at urbanized water bodies in Kharkiv. In eight research sites (Novyi Lyman, Petrenkivske, Osnovianske, Kvituche lakes, Druzhba quarry, Kitlyarchyn Yar, Kharkiv and Lopan rivers), 37 species of waterfowl and wading birds belonging to 7 families and 7 orders were identified and recorded. The quantitative ratio of species composition of the families was determined. It was found that Fulica atra, Anas platyrhynchos, and Podiceps cristatus prevail in terms of the number of representatives of one species. The number of species per family is dominated by the families Anatidae, Scolopacidae, and Laridae. No species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine were recorded. It was determined that Novyi Lyman Lake, which is located in a place remote from urban pressure (presence of people, traffic noise), has the highest amount of species diversity. On lakes located in places with a greater anthropogenic load, species diversity is much lower than on reservoirs more distant from urban noise. It has been established that the development of “urban” populations of waterfowl and wading birds does not depend on the area of the reservoir or urban noise. It is important to continue studying the issue of bird pre-adaptations to urbanization.
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