Faunistic list of soldier beetles (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) of the Ukrainian Carpathians
soldier beetles, Cantharidae, Ukrainian Carpathians, fauna.Abstract
For the Ukrainian Carpathians 73 soldier beetle species of 9 genera have been found in our studies. The highest species number (39 species (53%) from the 8 genera) has been found in the beech forest zone, the lowest one (12 species (16%) from the 4 genera) – in subalpine zone. Fauna of Cantharides of Ukrainian Carpathians has the highest similarity to the Slovakian Cantharides fauna, the highest difference was founded of Ukrainian Steppe regions. The core of the fauna of the Carpathians soldier beetles are the European (23%) and Middle-European (22%) species. An important influence on the forming of Carpathian region’s soldier beetles’ fauna has Europeo-Siberian (21%) and South- European (11%) species. Other zoogeographical complexes are presented: Transpalearctic – 10% species, alpine ones – 8%, Mediterranean ones – 6%).
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