Evaluation of white sticky traps for insects monitoring in apple orchards during the fruit ripening period


  • B. Baranová Department of Ecology, Faculty of Humanities and NaturalSciences, University of Prešov, 17. Novembra 1, Prešov, Slovakia
  • J. Oboňa Department of Ecology, Faculty of Humanities and NaturalSciences, University of Prešov, 17. Novembra 1, Prešov, Slovakia




white sticky traps, apple orchard, pests, pollinators, insects.


Sticky traps are easily available and widely used by the non-professional gardeners for the monitoring and elimination of thepests. The presence and abundance of the invertebrates captured by the white sticky traps, exposed during the six week period in 2021 at the apple orchard were assessed. More than 1200 specimens were identified at least up to order level. The sample was dominated by the Diptera, Mecoptera, and Hymenoptera orders, which together accounted more than 96% of the all captured specimens. On the other side, the target pests, i.e. sawflies, gallmidges or thrips were difficult or even impossible to be identified and counted, because of their heigh damage caused by the sticky substance as well as weather conditions during the time of exposition. Put into balance traps effectiveness in the monitoring and elimination of pests, and environmental damage they cause by capturing non-target organisms, including bees, their real effect is consequently more than disputable.


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