On the issue of the distribution of Erythronium dens-canis L. (Liliaceae) in the Zakarpattia Region (Ukraine)


  • V. Sabadosh Department of Botany, Uzhhorod National University, Voloshyna str., 32, Uzhhorod, Ukraine




Red Data Book of Ukraine, Carpathians, flora of Transcarpathia, phytochorology, herbarium.


Analysis of data on the distribution of Erythronium dens-canis L. (Liliaceae) in the Zakarpattia Region was performed. Sources of information were various: scientific publications, herbarium collections (UU, LWS, KW, herbarium of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve), forestry materials, as well as oral testimonies of people about findings of plants, and the reports in Internet services, which in both cases were confirmed by original photographs in nature. The chronology of scientific publications with information about the findings of the species in the region is displayed. Based on gathered information, a list including 87 spatially separated localities of species growth has been compiled. According to scientific publications and data from herbarium collections, 66 localities of the species have been identified. Evidence of 21 new localities that were not published before is reported here by us for the first time. To correctly display the results on a map of the selected scale, groups of nearby growth points were combined into a conventional unit – the growth area. In general, 65 such growth areas have been distinguished and mapped. On the territory between the rivers Tysa and Teresva there are 21 growth areas, between the rivers Teresva and Rika – 14. Within the Volcanic Range, there are 18 growth areas (most of them – in the Tupyi mountain massif between the rivers Rika, Tysa, and Borzhava). It is established that the distribution of the studied species in the Zakarpattia Region (Transcarpathia) extends in the north-western direction further than it was previously known – up to the mountain massif Syniak and the upper reaches of the river Latorytsia. An assumption has been made about the growth of the species also on the southern macro-slopes of the Syniak massif.


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