Agrarian complex of collar mites (Acariformes, Astigmata) of the Uzhhorod district


  • A. Dudynska
  • T. Dudynsky Department of Zoology, Uzhhorod National University, Voloshyna str., 32, Uzhhorod, 88000, Ukraine



acarofauna, Acaridia mites, agrarian areas, Acaridiaе, Astigmata.


The complex of acarids in agricultural areas of the Uzhhorod district has been studied. The species list of mites in the studied substrates includes 18 species of acarid mites. The most common collar mites are Acarus, Tyrophagus and Glycyphagus. As collar pests, acarid mites are found in all parts of the region where the study was conducted. At the same time, high density values were characteristic of Acarus siro, Tyrophagus putrescentiae and Glycyphagus destructor species. Analysis of the faunal composition of groups of acarid mites in different foci during the seasons of one year revealed a natural succession of species of pests. The first species to inhabit new storage products are species of the genera Tyrophagus and Acarus.


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