Morphology of ovipositors and spermathecae of representatives of Dexiini tribe (Diptera, Tachinidae) of the fauna of Ukraine


  • S. Farynets Uzhhorod National University, Department of Zoology, Voloshyna str., 32, Uzhhorod, Ukraine



Tachinidae, postabdomen, genital structures, keys, identification.


The paper devoted to the study of genitalia of Dexiini tribes and larvae of the 1st century in order to evaluate the possibility of using these structures in taxonomy. The study of the morphology of sclerotized structures of the postabdomain of females, spermathecae, first-instar larvae of representatives of the tribe of Dexiini was conducted. They indicated the value of these features for taxonomy. The studied changes in the genital structures of females Dexiini were carried out on a material that covers 11 species of 7 genera. The results of the study of morphological signs of postabdomen, spermathek, and first-instar larvae allow reasonably interpreted differentiation of taxa of generic level. Keys for species identification is presented.


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