Parks and park squares of the historical urban district "Malyi Galagov" of Uzhhorod city
green plantations, parks, park squares, inventory, dendroflora, aboriginal and introduced species, taxonomic analysis, Uzhhorod, Transcarpathia.Abstract
The publication continues the series of researches of green plantations of Uzhhorod, their assortment and modern composition. It’s the second final part of the work on tree and shrub species in the historic urban district “Malyi Galagov” in Uzhhorod city. Analysis of parks’ green areas, gardens, parterre and embankment in the urban district is presented in the paper. There are currently nine parks and park squares within the district. At the time of its foundation, seven of them date back to the period when Transcarpathia became part of the Czechoslovak Republic (1919-1939), Laudon’s Arboretum is founded during Austro-Hungarian times, and one of them was created in the Soviet period. The history of creation of parks and squares is considered, changes and stages of their reconstruction during the last century are covered. The modern species, varieties and quantitative composition, the ratio of introduced and aboriginal species of tree and shrub plantations of each park and square are analyzed in detail, their general condition is assessed and characterized. Special attention is paid to the oldest park in the district and one of the oldest in Uzhhorod. It’s the Laudon’s arboretum that was laid in 1886, a saved fragment of which is a park-memorial of art landscape now. The history of the park, the dynamics of changes in its area and range over the centuries is covered. The current state of plantations reflects, in particular, the height and diameter of the trunk in all saved tree species of the arboretum.
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