Naked amoebae in the soils of Kharkiv region (Ukraine)


  • M.K. Patsyuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, 40, Velyka Berdychivska str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



naked amoebae, morphotypes, soils, temperature, moisture, acidity.


In soils of Kharkiv region we have identified 17 species of naked amoebae. This species: Rhizamoeba sp., Saccamoeba stagnicola Page, 1974, Hartmannella vermiformis Page, 1967, Deuteramoeba mycophaga (Pussard et al., 1980) Page, 1988, Thecamoeba striata (Penard, 1890) Schaeffer, 1926, Stenamoeba stenopodia (Page, 1969) Smirnov et al., 2007, Mayorella cantabrigiensis Page, 1983, Mayorella sp., Korotnevella sp., Vexillifera sp., Vannella sp., Ripella platypodia Smirnov, Nassonova, Chao et Cavalier-Smith, 2007, Acanthamoeba sp. (1), Cochliopodium sp., Vahlkampfia sp. (1), Vahlkampfia sp. (2), Naegleria gruberi Schardinger, 1899. Among the identified species, the most common were M. cantabrigiensis, Acanthamoeba sp. (1), Cochliopodium sp., N. gruberi, Vexillifera sp., Vahlkampfia sp. (1), Vahlkampfia sp. (2), S. stenopodia, the least common – D. mycophaga, Korotnevella sp., Rhizamoeba sp., Mayorella sp. The largest number of species is characteristic of forest soils (16 species), the smallest – for meadow soils (9 species), in the soils of shrubs there were 11 species of naked amoebae. We identified species belong to 11 morphotypes: branched (Rhizamoeba sp.), monopodial (S. stagnicola, H. vermiformis), polytactic (D. mycophaga), striate (T. striata), lingulate (S. stenopodia), mayorellian (M. cantabrigiensis, Mayorella sp.), dactylopodial (Korotnevella sp., Vexillifera sp.), fan-shaped (Vannella sp., R. platypodia), acanthopodial (Acanthamoeba sp. (1)), lens-like (Cochliopodium sp.), eruptive (Vahlkampfia sp. (1), Vahlkampfia sp. (2), N. gruberi). According to the species composition of the communities of naked amoebae is divided into two complexes: from forest soils and soils of meadows and shrubs. The morphotypes of naked amoebae show the same similarity. The formation of amoeba species complexes and their morphotypes as a result of nonparametric multidimensional scaling (MDS) is influenced to a greater extent by soil moisture and acidity, and to a lesser extent by the temperature factor.


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