Chorological structure of the coastal fouling community formed by the Black Sea mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis


  • O.Yu. Varigin Institute of Marine Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Pushkinska st., 37, Odessa, Ukraine



spatial distribution of invertebrates, fouling community, Odessa Bay, Black Sea.


Peculiarities of the chorological structure of the coastal fouling community formed by the bivalve mollusk Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 on the underwater surface of shore protection structures located within the Odessa Bay of the Black Sea have been revealed. The spatial distribution of sedentary invertebrates Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilaster lineatus (Gmelin, 1791) (Bivalvia) and Amphibalanus improvisus (Darwin, 1854) (Cirripedia), which form the basis of the fouling community, has been determined. These invertebrates have been found to be fairly unevenly distributed on the vertical surface of the substrate. The frequency of occurrence of size groups and features of quantitative development of these species within different horizons of the community at depths of 0,5 and 2,0 m were determined. In the Odessa Bay of the Black Sea settlement of shore protection structures occurs as a result of settlement of larvae of these invertebrates. Further development of the chorological structure of the fouling community is carried out during succession, as a result of which a complex multi-layered formation is formed on the substrate, consisting mainly of mussels and barnacles. These invertebrates belong to the functional group of species of "long-term architects", which form the spatial configuration of the fouling community. Small sizes bivalves (Abra segmentum (Recluz, 1843) and Lentidium mediterraneum (Costa, 1830)) and gastropods (Pusillina lineolata (Michaud, 1830) and Setia valvatoides (Milaschewitsch, 1909)), as well as sedentary crustaceans (Ampithoe ramondi Audouin, 1826 and Ericthonius difformis M.-Edwards, 1830) and polychaetas (Polydora cornuta Bosc, 1802 and Fabricia stellaris (Muller, 1774)), which live in self-constructed tubes and live less than one year belong to the category of "short-term architects". These functional groups of species contribute an appropriate architectural element to the fouling community, creating favorable conditions for the habitat of other organisms.


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