Species concepts in biology: development of ideas in Ukraine


  • I. Zagorodniuk National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine, Bohdan Khmelnytsky st. 15, Kyiv, Ukraine




species concepts, species criteria, morphology, big and small species, natural history museums.


Research on the topic of "species" has occupied and still occupies a prominent place in the structure of conceptual knowledge in the works of Ukrainian scientists. Scientists have always paid considerable attention to this area of research, but its clear peak was in the middle third of the twentieth century, primarily due to the research of Sergei Paramonov, a key researcher at the beginning of academic discussions on the species in Ukraine. Factors of origin, development and preservation of such attention were: participation in the general world discourse, tasks of formation of national scientific terminology, nomenclature and vocabulary, development of taxonomic researches, in particular monographic researches of various systematic groups, development of collections of natural museums and herbariums; significant development of research aimed at inventorying the biota of Ukraine. Important areas were the study of some high-category research: geobotanical research, theme of endemism, study of sibling species and other aspects of cryptic diversity. Among the key milestones in the formation of the concept of "species", which accompanied the development of eidology in Ukraine, was the gradual transition from essential research to "collecting" species as samples and descriptions, with the subsequent dominance of biodiversity cataloging and natural growth of splitting. An overview of the achievements of Ukrainian researchers of the problem of the species and a brief analysis of the contributions of each of them to the development of eidology in a whole as well as some its branches are presented. These contributions are analyzed in three periods: 1) scientists and their research of the XIX and early XX centuries, 2) scientists and their research of the middle and end of the XX century, 3) scientists and their research of the late XX and early XXI centuries. In total, information on the accomplishments of 32 Ukrainian scientists is presented, among which V. Khrzhanovsky, O. Kistiakivsky, M. Klokov, N. Masiuk, G. Mashtaler, V. Monchenko, Y. Nekrutenko, G. Palamar-Mordvintseva, S. Paramonov, E. Pisanets, M. Popov, V. Shmankevich, B. Zaverukha, M. Zerova. Brief information about researchers who had an impact on the development of eidological research in Ukraine from outside Ukraine is given. The power and diversity of eidological schools are shown.


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