Anatomical features of the generative organs structure of the Polygonatum Mill. species


  • N.I. Riznychuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, str. Halytska, 201, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
  • M.M. Mylenka Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, str. Halytska, 201, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
  • V.I. Gnіezdilova Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, str. Halytska, 201, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
  • G.M. Melnichenko Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, str. Halytska, 201, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



gynaeceum, androecium, ovary, micropyle, pollen, ovule.


For understanding the evolution of monocotyledons in general, data on the structure and development of the flower is still not used completely. There is no information about the morphogenesis of a flower and a complete description of its structure for many taxa of archaic monocotyledons. Thus, in the phylogenetic systematics of the Asparagaceae family, the ideas of monophyletic groups within the family was formed, but the links between them remain controversial. The primary task of monocotyledons taxonomy remains the implementation of an evolutionary-morphological analysis of the flower and coordination of the directions of molecular and morphological evolution. The species of the Polygonatum Mill. genus have strongly thickened base and roof of the ovary containing the basal and apical parts of the elongated septal nectary. The style in species with septal nectary is formed only by postgenital adhesion of carpels. The typical feature of the flower is six perianth leaves arranged into two circles, usually not differentiated into petals and sepals, six stamens placed into two circles and three carpels. The stamens are joined to the flower tube of the perianth. The ovules are always placed in the hemisimplicate zone of the gynaeceum in even numbers, two each, the base and the roof of the ovary are thickened. The investigated species do not have the hemisimplicate zone, but there are sinascidiate, hemisimplicate fertile and asymplicate zones. The septal nectary in the studied species is located along the entire ovary: from its base, above the cell to its roof. There is a direct relationship between the height of the ovary and the height of the septal nectar. The walls of the nectar slit are of a secretory nature, as are the walls of the body of the nectar. The representatives of the genus Polygonatum Mill. Have the nectar slit which in the radial direction reaches more than a half the length of the radius of the ovary.


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