Simulation of distribution Epipactis tallosii (Orchidaceae) in Central part of Europe


  • T.T. Ljubka Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute, Istvan Fodor Scientific investigation center, 6, Kossuth sq., Berehovo, Transcarpathia Region, 90202 Ukraine



Epipactis tallosii, potentional area, Maxent, Bioclim, AUC.


The majority of European orchids are of significant conservation importance, due to their specific ecological and biological requirements. The genus Epipactis Zinn. in Europe is well known for its intricate systematics and confused taxonomy. The E. tallosii A.Molnár & Robatsch was discovered and described relatively late (in 1997), it was described based on a single Hungarian population, at the southwestern foot of Bakony mountains, near the village of Nyirád. The occurrence of this species in Slovakia was known from the mid of 1990s but it was not identified until 1997. The presence of the species is also known in the Czech Republic and Romania. The E. tallosii is currently enlisted in the Endangered (EN) category of the Red List (Bilz et al., 2011), and is considered very rare, mostly represented by very small and isolated populations over its scattered distribution area. The area of occupancy of this orchid is below 500 km² and according to recent assessments the population exhibits a decreasing trend (Fay, 2011). This paper investigated the potentional spread of the rare species Epipactis tallosii in Central Europe based on currently known localities. Taxonomy of the representatives of this genus is very complicated due to the morphological differentiation of their flower. For instance, in Hungary it was found in gallery forests, oak and oak-hornbeam forests both on the lowlands and in more hilly regions, as well as in poplar plantations. According to most recent IUCN Red List E. tallosii is one of the most threatened orchids of Europe. Based on the known localities of this species, we tried to simulate potentionally distribution of the species the Central part of Europe. The spatial modeling was performed using Maxent software tools. The simulation includes 163 known localities of the species. The data sets of GIS layers corresponding to 19 ecological climatic factors, in addition to another layer – the altitude taken from the WorldClim systems. The map was built using Quantum – Gis and Diva –Gis information systems. The potentional area of occurence are established. Key words: Epipactis tallosii, potentional area, Maxent, Bioclim, AUC.


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