Comparative-morphological analysis of structure of oviposition, spermathek and larvae of 1st age of females of some Voriini tribe species (Diptera, Tachinidae)


  • S.I. Farynets Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Zoology, 32, Voloshyna str., Uzhhorod, 88000 Ukraine



tachinids, morphology, postabdomen, ovipositor, spermatheca, larvae, identification keys.


The results of study of morphology of genital structures of tachinids’ flies of Voriini tribes are presented in a paper. Indication of 18 signs of postabdomen, spermathecae, and larvae of the 1st age are analyzed. The obtained data allow more reasonably to interpret a differentiation of taxa of generic level and their phylogeny. The study of the structures of females’ sex system and larvae of the 1st age allows to identify adaptive processes of evolutionary development of females postabdomen that is related to a way of infection of hosts, and to reveal a direction of evolutionary transformations of these structures. According to structural features of the genital structure of females of Voriini tribe proved to be quite diverse. Some genital structures of Voriini is a similar to Dexiini tribe: complete reduction of terminal tergite; reduction VIII and the presence of the whole VI, VII, and sometimes VIII tergites; reduction of chaetae on the surface of VIII sternite, and appearance of sensory pores on it. Channels of spermathecae of some Voriini representatives (Eriothrix, Peteina, Thelaira, Stomina genera) are connected with vagina by one general short duct like Dexiini species, also. Among these groups Eriothrix is divided by the structure of capsules of the spermathecae, and Stomina by complete reduction of VIII and terminal tergites, and VIII sternite. A connection of the channels of spermathecae with vagina does not undergo adaptive changes and reflects the connections of high-ranking taxa. Thus, the morphological features of the genital structures of femalesand larvae of the 1stage can be used lawfully with the morphological features of the imago in a clarification of family relationships, species and genera differences, as well as in the study of phylogeny. Identification keys for 12 species of tachinids of Voriini tribe were made on the basis of the analyzed 22 morphological characteristics of spermathecae and ovipositors.


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