Atypical behavior of captive brown bears (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758) in the wildlife rehabilitation center of Galych National Natural Park


  • M.V. Ozarkiv Halych National Nature Park, 77162, Krylos, 1 Halytska street, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine



abnormal behavior, stereotypy, brown bear, Ursus arctos.


Stereotype behavior is repetitive, unchanging behavior devoid of purposeful function. This type of behavioral deviation can have adverse effects on the physical and mental health of the animals. In the present study, was observed the behavior of 4 individuals of brown bear in the center of rehabilitation of wild animals of Halych National Nature Park. The behavior of the bears was monitored by using of modified ethograms of different authors. We detected more than 30 behavioral reactions, which are classified in 10 categories, including an abnormal behavior in the form of stereotypy. Data analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA test using Statistica 12 software. The results of the research indicate that gradual adaptation to new living conditions and effective enrichment of the environment are an effective way of therapy for abnormal behavior of captive brown bears. The obtained data indicate a successful adaptation of Halych National Nature Park captive brown bears to new conditions. For a more detailed analysis of the behavior of captive bears, it is necessary to use an individual approach, to have detailed information about the past animals, captive conditions, food and medical treatment. The lack of background data on animals often complicates their rehabilitation and adaptation to new conditions of maintenance and analysis of the condition as a whole. In general, a diverse and long-term environment enrichment program is a way to permanently release bears from stereotypical behavior.


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