
  • R. KISH




genus Tilia, atmospheric pollution, green vegetation, morphological and anatomical characteristics of a leaf, bioindication, Uzhhorod


The morphometric parameters and changes in the degree of xeromorphism (thickness of the leaf and cuticle, number of stomata, drooping) of the leaves of two species of linden (Tilia cordata Mill., T. platyphyllos Scop.) in green stands of the city of Uzhhorod from three localities that differ in the degree of anthropogenic load and atmospheric pollution were studied. The area of leaves in T. cordata varies between 29.9–37.3 cm2, in T. platyphyllos it is 10.5% larger – 41.3–46.2 cm2. In T. platyphyllos, the total leaf area was greater in trees growing in the zone of transport and industrial pollution than in trees from the recreation zone. Damage in the form of necrosis and chlorosis was detected on the leaves of both types of linden. In T. cordata, all types of macroscopic leaf changes were detected: chlorosis, yellowing of the edges, interveinal, point and spotted, as well as marginal necrosis. The largest area of necrosis in the studied species was observed in the transport load zone. T. platyphyllos shows less sensitivity to atmospheric pollution compared to T. cordata, significantly fewer leaves with necrosis and chlorosis were found on its trees. According to anatomical studies, the thickness of the cuticle of leaves in T. cordata is 8.75–12.5 microns, in T. platyphyllos – 6.25–8.75 microns. In the zone of industrial and transport pollution, there is a decrease in the thickness of the leaf plate by 5–13%, as well as a decrease in the size of epidermal cells. The number and size of the stomata, as well as their shape, are different in the investigated linden species. The length of the stomata in T. cordata is 22.5–27.5 microns, the width is 15–20 microns. In the transport pollution zones, the stomatal cells of the epidermis of the leaves of the studied species were smaller in size, the number of open pores was also smaller, but the density of stomata per unit area was higher compared to the stomatal cells of the epidermis from the recreation zone. T. cordata reliably responds to atmospheric pollutants, which allows the use of this species for biomonitoring. T. platyphyllos, on the contrary, showed resistance to factors of aerogenic pollution, has a wide adaptive potential of the leaf apparatus, which allows recommending this species for the creation and reconstruction of urban plantations in conditions of increased gas pollution.


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